Best-in-Class Partners
Small groups have long been overlooked when it comes to medical benefits. They’re difficult to serve at scale, they don’t always have the same needs as large groups, and the only products available are too cost prohibitive and put a financial strain on their businesses – making it hard to sell. But that hasn’t stopped industry players from trying to force fit legacy, large-group products onto small employers.
Small businesses and the brokers that serve them don’t just need a better approach, they need a different approach. One that addresses their unique needs and future-proofs their benefit programs – all without breaking the bank. Unfortunately, legacy approaches aren’t sustainable despite what large carriers will tell you, especially in uncertain economic times.
Star Benefits was built specifically to deliver an affordable alternative for small groups that lets them break up with large carriers and break free from unnecessary costs. What does this mean for you?
Future-proof your business against inevitable rate hikes, while mitigating the risk of uncommon claims years.
Get rid of the handcuffs large carriers often place on brokers and small groups and take control of your and your clients’ businesses.
Traditionally the economics for tapping into the small group market have been unpopular, and in many cases prohibitive. Not with Star Benefits. Turn the small group market into a competitive advantage.
The Star Benefits solution is built on simplicity, wrapped in small group expertise and industry-leading partnerships
A unique type of self-funding where the employer pays a set premium into a reserve claims account. At the end of the period, unused funds are returned to the employer. All with built-in cost containment. Learn more.
Grow in the fastest moving HR tech space and expand your role to that of a digital consultant with a comprehensive “hire to retire” platform. Learn more.
Industry-leading partnerships allow us to orchestrate a product backed by the best at every turn – reinsurance, MGU & captive, claims repricing, TPA and program management. Learn more.
“Star Benefits has created a different approach entirely to small group medical benefits. Brokers and others have long struggled with tapping into the broken, small group market – particularly at scale. This approach gives them a much more powerful way to add value and help change healthcare.”